Building an Integrated Solution

We want to build simple visualisations of magnetic data for our clients. To do this, we are building an integrated product offering that first detects, then understands changes in magnetic resonance lines before visualising the output in a customizable platform. As a result, we are building out four core competencies that enable SBQuantum to be an end-to-end partner for our clients.


The sensors form the heart of our solution – they are a cutting-edge quantum magnetometer. Exploiting the quantum properties in nitrogen vacancy diamonds, we have engineered the various components into a compact form. This sensor enables us to perform vector analysis with a high degree of sensitivity while simultaneously remaining durable, highly power efficient and removing the need for careful orientation.


Our proprietary algorithms allow us to capitalise on the vectorial data and maximise the information we can gather on metallic or magnetic objects. Not only can we observe an object’s presence, we can also determine its size, orientation, material and distance from our sensor.


We don’t want the understanding of magnetic data to require a PhD! Our dashboard brings the different components of our solution together in a simple, user friendly interface that can be customised to our clients’ objectives.

Autonomous Platform

An advantage of our compact nature sensors is that they fit easily onto autonomous platforms. This could be drones, rovers or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), whichever will give us access to the relevant environment so that we can operate with greater efficiency.


The sensors form the heart of our solution – they are a cutting-edge quantum magnetometer. Exploiting the quantum properties in nitrogen vacancy diamonds, we have engineered the various components into a compact form. This sensor enables us to perform vector analysis with a high degree of sensitivity while simultaneously remaining durable, highly power efficient and removing the need for careful orientation.


Our proprietary algorithms allow us to capitalise on the vectorial data and maximise the information we can gather on metallic or magnetic objects. Not only can we observe an object’s presence, we can also determine its size, orientation, material and distance from our sensor.


We don’t want the understanding of magnetic data to require a PhD! Our dashboard brings the different components of our solution together in a simple, user friendly interface that can be customised to our clients’ objectives.

Autonomous Platform

An advantage of our compact nature sensors is that they fit easily onto autonomous platforms. This could be drones, rovers or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), whichever will give us access to the relevant environment so that we can operate with greater efficiency.